Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3


Task 1

1.3 Web- based:

I think web. Based learning help the student and teacher to solve the difficulties of some subject. The don't understand it by traditional method .For example , math is very difficult subject for some student's but when they use the computer it helps them understanding it easily, also ,if a student doesn't be able to attend the lesson in the class he can easily continue it at home throw the web ..

Mobile learning:

I haven't any idea about mobile learning, but I think it might be one of the technologies that help in learning processes.


What Does "Learning" Mean?

To most of us, "learning" means an attempt to create a memory that lasts. Mastering new dance steps, learning foreign languages, or remembering acquaintances' names require our brains to encode and store new information until we need it.


Learning theories:

1. Constructivism

2. Behaviorism

3. Cognitive:








Task 3 :

Operation on vectors

To present the lesson I used some teaching material such as:

A computer, pen, paper, black-bored , a chalk, a tent book, as well as a classroom.


I started the lesson by making competition between the students to attract their attention and encourage them for learning; I divided students in to two groups and asked them the following questions: _

What is a vector?

How can we subtract vectors?

How can we add vectors?

How can we represent a vector?.... etc.

The questions were written on the black board, then I began the lesson by defining the concept of vectors operation, since the students cannot imagine the vector concept, so I used computer to help them can?

The students were very active, they asked more and more questions: I.e.

What is this?

How can I use this?

If I do so and so, what will happen?…etc.

On their hand whenever I asked them any questions they answered quickly.

I think they were being able to analysis and understand vectors operation clearly.

In fact, they enjoyed lesson very much.


Definition of web 2.0 tools and webquest and webquest of

1/ what are tools and web Quest web 2.0?

Web Quests

Is one way to use the Internet in education. Also so they can be used in virtually any classroom with appropriate computer access.

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is the term used to describe the sites, services, and applications where there is a set of characteristics that qualifies them as the so-called title. Of applications using Web 2.0 are the Wiki & Blog:
Wiki is a position for more than one user to enter it. Another application is the Blog which is a site where a person carries out his diary or record their own video files and other



WebQuest help the learner to solve the problem arises from some subject which are difficult to be understood by using traditional method of teaching.


I will divide the learners into five groups. Each group will have answer one question. First, each group was asked to choose his own leader. The leader gives each member of the group special task to do. Second the task should be done consolidated by the necessary tools and send by E-mail on my website.


The topic was divided into three activities. each activity was carried out by one of the groups .for example:

What is operation on vectors?

Why is operation on vectors important? And so on


Each question has one degree.


Thank you for used the webQuest and congratulation .


3. Indicate on a matrix what tools you used for web Quest: show how and why you used it:







The text used to clarify terms which are difficult for students to understand


Video recorder

I use the sound, because students are using more than one sense of hearing sense of sight



I use the animation to add vitality to the text Luke and help students to understand.



To help learners to imaginary what is explained in text.

Publish the web Quest:

References - Cached - Similar pages -

Sunday, July 5, 2009


A WebQuest for 9th Grade (Mathematics). Math
Designed by
Zahra Idris Adam

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What is a WebQuest?

A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web

Tools of webQuest


Mathematics is an abstract subject constructed by the human mind. It interests on ideas, methods and human patterns of thinking. In the last period, the mathematical branches had been developed and expanded and their c contents became very complicated. So recently it became difficult for many learners to understand the concepts and theories of math, especially when using traditional methods of teaching. Therefore it becomes necessary to use modern sources of learning and to make full utility out of vast potential of computer in teaching the complex mathematical branches.
Thus , here I used the WebQuest to introduce activity which uses the internet as the primary resource. This WebQuest is designed to help you learn:
· What sin, cosine and tangent functions are?
· How can be they calculated?
· How to find the sin, cosine and tangent functions of special angles? Historical background

1. What do we call a plane surface bounded by straight line?
2. The rectilinear figure bounded by three straight lines are called ……
3. What are the kinds of triangles according to their sides?
4. What are the kinds of triangles according to their angles?To answer these question s


Now, each group will have to take one activity and search about it…
Send the answer by e-mail

Activity 1

Before answering the questions First read the text about sine cosine and tangent functions then answer these questions

Definition of sine, cosine and tangent

The Law of Sines

The Law of Cosines

What are sine, cosine and tangent?
Why are these functions important?
Drawing the graph of sine and cosine?Click here to see more graphs of sine and cosine

Here more information about sine, cosine and tangent

Here is more graphic of sine and cosine


Activity 2

First: read about sine, cosine and tangent function of the special angles then answer these questions….

What is the value of each angle?

What the value of angle BAC

What do call side AB?

Side BD = 1 unit, calculate length of AD?

Ok to see the graphic click here

1/what are the sine, cosine and tangent of 30°? The classic 30° triangle has a hypotenuse of length 2 units, an opposite side of length 1 unit and an adjacent side of √ (3) unit

2/what are the sine , cosine and tangent of 45°?

The classic 45° triangle has two sides of 1 unit each and hence, a hypotenuse of √ (2) unit:

Ok let’s go to find the answer



Try this paper –based exercis

Where can you calculate the sine function for all angles from 0° to 360°, and then graph the result. It will help you to understand these relatively simple functions

Sine Function
First, read our page on Sine, Cosine and Tangent
Now you will know that the sine of any angle is simply the length of the far side of the triangle (the "opposite") divided by the long side (the "hypotenuse"):

Draw Triangles
To make the graph, we need to calculate the sine for different angles, then put those points on a graph, and then "join the dots".
Step 1: Draw the Angled Lines
Place a mark at the center of a piece of paper, then, using a protractor, mark every 15 degrees from 0° to 180° in a semi-circle. Then rotate the protractor and mark from 180° around to the start again. Then draw lines radiating from the center to each of your marks so that you end up with an illustration like this:

Lines at 15°

Or, you can click on the above illustration, and then print out the result.
Step 2: Draw and Measure the Triangles

We can now turn each of those lines into a triangle, example:

Measure Triangles
When you have completed each triangle, it is simply a matter of measuring the lines. Remember that the sine is the length of the line opposite the angle divided by the hypotenuse (which should all be the same length if you have drawn it well)

Write all your measurements in a table. This is what I got, but your measurements may be different:
You can print a table ready to fill in here.
Important: When the "opposite" line goes downwards it is negative.
Tip: if you have drawn it well, you can take advantage of the symmetry of 0-90, 90-180, 180-270 and 270-360.
Graph The Results
Get some graph paper and prepare it by scaling off 0 to 360 in 15 increments along the x-axis, and scaling off -1 to +1 on the y-axis. You can use your own graph paper, or print out this graph paper
Now plot each point from the table on the graph.
Then join the dots as neatly as you can.
The result should look something like the graph at the very top.
But you have done much more than draw a nice curve. You have :
learned about one of the most important functions in mathematics
Learned that you don't have to believe what people say - you can try it for yourself.
had experience plotting graphs
learned how symmetry can save effort
Hope you enjoyed!

Activity 3
First, read our page on special angle then answer these questions:

What do we call the point A?
How can are calculate sine, cosine and tangent of special angle?

Your work on each task will be weighed as follows:
1/ If you answer all the questions by using tools gives (10 point)
2/ If you answer some of questions by using tools gives (5 point)
3/ If you answer the all questions without tools gives (2.5 point)
Congratulation of all ……………….
WebQuest help the learner more to understand the sin , cosine and tangent function of special angles. Whose can be difficult understood by traditional methods.

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